What Are the Best Strength Training Exercises for Cyclists?
To maximize gains in muscle size and strength, cyclists should perform compound exercises, which work multiple major muscle groups simultaneously. For instance, squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pullups, pushups, chin ups, and overhead presses are all examples of compound movements. These types of exercises allow cyclists to develop strong core muscles, which are essential for riding safely and efficiently.
There are many ways to incorporate strength training into your workout routine. Some people prefer to lift weights using free weights, whereas others prefer to use machines. Free weights allow you to work out each major group of muscles independently, whereas machine-based workouts isolate specific groups of muscles. A personal trainer will design a bespoke program especially for you as a cyclist, which will work on the precise muscle groups in the right ways, at the right intensity, and at the right time.
Here are some examples of strength training workouts for cyclists:
Free Weights
Squats – Squatting strengthens your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and core muscles.
Deadlifts – Deadlifting works your back, shoulders, arms, chest, and abs.
Barbell Rows – Barbell rows strengthen your biceps, forearms, and triceps.
Machine-Based Workouts
Leg Press – Using a leg press machine allows you to focus on working individual sets of muscles.
Cable Crossovers – Cable crossovers isolate your pecs, lats, and delts.
Seated Leg Curls – Seated leg curls work your quads, hamstrings, and calves.
Lateral Raises – Lateral raises work your shoulder girdle.
Bent Over Row – Bent over row exercises work your back, shoulders, and abs.
Upright Row Machine – Upright row machines isolate your lats, traps, and rhomboids.
Tricep Extension Machines – Tricep extension machines isolate your triceps.
Dumbbell Bench Press – Dumbbell bench presses work your pectorals, anterior deltoids, and trapezius.
Inverted Ropes – Inverted rope exercises isolate your biceps, foreheads, and abdominals.
Reverse Lunge Machine – Reverse lunge machines isolate your quads, adductors, and hip flexors.